We raise slower growing ‘Freedom Ranger’ chickens to provide an alternative to the conventional fast growing chicken breed.
For the first 6 years, we raised super slow growing full heritage breed chickens. Although we fully believed in the natural growth of this bird, it was hard to sell them. So, we switched to raising Freedom Rangers and haven’t looked back. These chickens are active as they roam and forage in our pastures and that turns into a delicious, nutritiously full-flavored chicken.
We currently have 6 mobile range coops that measure 20 x 40 feet and are moved every other day to new pasture. We house 600-650 chickens in each one which allows 1.23-1.33 square foot per chicken. We harvest chickens just about every week of the year so we can offer fresh chicken each weekend at our farmers markets and to our retail and restaurant customers. Beyond the grass, bugs, grubs and seeds the chickens find in the pastures they are fed an organic, non-gmo grain and thats it, nothing else goes into our birds.
In the late 1940s, poultry geneticists engineered a fast growing chicken that could be raised indoors known as a Cornish Cross. Since then, this breed is served in almost every restaurant and sold in every grocery store, this is what 99% of the US eats. This bird grows at an incredibly fast rate: six pounds in six weeks. Today, the average processing age of the Cornish Cross chicken is just thirty-seven days. Because of the rapid growth of these birds, they can have physical complications; their legs and hearts can struggle to keep up with the fast rate of their growth and they do not live active lives.
We have worked hard to raise alternatives to that conventional breed. After 6 years of raising heritage breeds, we learned that most folks are not totally ready for a heritage chicken, either because it cooks differently or because it looks different (smaller breast and larger legs), or because of the higher cost. So we started raising the Freedom Ranger which are part heritage, part Cornish cross and grow at a rate right in the middle of them. Freedom Rangers have been the perfect balance for us - healthy, active, slower growing birds with absolutely incredible flavor.
How To Cook our Freedom Ranger Chickens
One of the great parts of raising Freedom Ranger chickens is that you can cook them absolutely any way you’d like! They roast perfectly, sauté with vegetables, bread and fry for a special treat, boil for soup, or enjoy on the grill.
Meet The Chickens
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